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November 02, 2009


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Duncan Fremlin

I'll have to read this again later. This is a complex issue, particularly from the consumer’s perspective.

Doesn’t this ruling potentially dilute the integrity of the Listing Agreement? If the consumer can simply download the property information either on their own or with a discount Broker, will this Broker still have to be a member of CREA? Will the public be warned that the information comes directly from the seller with another warning that the information has not been verified by a licenses Realtor? Will the Broker still be liable, as we are, for the accuracy of the information? Will our code of ethics still be enforced? If the Broker is not involved in the negotiations, will it be safe to assume they will not be liable for any of the negotiating process? In other words, if the consumer is negotiating on their own, will they be able to lie about a property and not expect any repercussions from CREA or the Broker who downloaded?
Yes, complex indeed.

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